Capital Projects

Planning and development at the Urbana Park District is based on the Strategic Plan, park master plans, community input, and the involvement of the various departments within the District.  The Capital Budget and Capital Plan provide a work plan consisting of projects to be implemented over the course of the next few years. The work plan may be modified throughout the year due to unforeseen conditions and the need for the reallocation of resources. Projects are re-evaluated each year and adjusted as conditions and park/facility demands change.

The Capital Projects typically meet the following criteria:

  • Has a value of at least $5,000
  • Has a long life cycle, usually at least five years
  • Results in revitalization or new development of park district assets/services
  • Land Acquisition
  • Examples of Capital Projects include:
    • Redevelopment/remodeling of parks/facilities
    • Acquisition, improvement, and development of land
    • Purchase of vehicles and equipment
    • Design and engineering costs

Capital funding comes primarily from the annual sale of General Obligation Bonds. These bonds are repaid over two years. Alternative revenue such as grants, donations, and sponsorships also contribute to Capital funding.

The Urbana Park District uses the following criteria to assist in prioriting projects:

  • Provides critical, safety, and preventive maintenance
  • Provides energy efficiency
  • Part of Playground Replacement Program
  • Likeliness to be awarded a grant/donation
  • Relevance to Strategic Plan
  • Expected annual savings projected over project lifetime
  • Relevance to the planning of Crystal Lake Park

The following bids are currently open through the Urbana Park District:

- South Ridge Park - Pedestrian Path Improvement

- Kickapoo Rail Trail - Trailhead Facility - Weaver Park

Bid documents are available at the Planning and Operations facility or can be requested via email. To inquire about any open bids, past bids and results, or to obtain current bid documents, please contact the Planning & Operations office at 217-344-9583 or you can email Andy Rousseau.

Past Bid Results: