Regular board meetings are the second Tuesday of each month at 7pm. The schedule may occasionally vary.
Planning and Operations Office
1011 E. Kerr Avenue, Urbana
The office is east of the intersection of Cunningham Avenue and Kerr Avenue.
The board conducts regular business at each meeting. There is time for public comment at the beginning of the meeting. Members of the public are asked to submit a card with their name and address and indicate whether they wish to address the board. Comments are kept to two minutes. The board will not be able to respond to comments during the meeting but comments are entered into the minutes and the board may be able to address comments at a later time.
The Board of Commissioners conducts regular business of the park district. There is a public comment time, usually at the beginning of the meeting. If you wish to make a comment, please complete a comment card available at each meeting. You may choose to address the board regarding your comment. However, the board will not be able to directly respond to that comment during the meeting.