Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)

Urbana Park District procedure for requests for records 

Any person requesting records of the Urbana Park District under the Freedom of Information Act must make such a request in writing either by mail, by e-mail, or by hand delivery at the Administration Office, 303 W. University Avenue, Urbana, IL 61801 to the FOIA Officer, Timothy A. Bartlett, who is the Executive Director. Use of the Urbana Park District’s FOIA Request Form will assist the district in responding to requests, but it is not required. Use of the term “FOIA” in the written request will also assist the district in responding to requests.

FOIA Officer
303 W. University Avenue, Urbana, Illinois 61801

If you desire that any records be certified, you must indicate that in your request and specify which records must be certified. Requests will be accepted during regular business hours, Monday through Friday 8 am to 5pm. A written notice will be forwarded within five working days to the person making the request specifying a date and time when the records will be released.

The fees for any such records, if the person requesting the records wishes them to be copied, are as follows: the first 50 pages of black and white, letter or legal size are without fee, additional pages are 15 cents per page if Park District employee copies records, and an additional 10 cents per certificate if the copies are to be certified. If the copies are requested in color, abnormal size or it is a copy of an electronic medium, the fee will be the actual cost of the copies.

Certain records are maintained electronically. If requested, a copy of electronic record or records will be provided in electronic or printed form.

As of May 14, 2024

The officials/employees appointed as Freedom of Information Act Officers include:

  • Superintendent of Business Services, Laura Orcutt
  • Office Manager, Paula Mondisa
  • Board Assistant Secretary, Allison Jones

Assistant FOIA Officers remain the same:

  • Mark Schultz, Public Information & Marketing Manager
  • Alexandra Ivanova, Human Resources Manager
  • Matt Deering, Attorney 

Examples of information available through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)

This is a list of commonly requested documents; it is not to be construed as exhaustive or limiting.


  • Minutes of Board Meetings*
  • Agendas*
  • Board Packet Materials*
  • Ordinances* (please check monthly board meeting materials)
  • Resolutions* (please check monthly board meeting materials)
  • Park Code Book
  • Miscellaneous Correspondence
  • Plats of Surveys for Parks


  • Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports*
  • Annual Treasurer’s Receipts and Disbursement Reports
  • Annual Budget*
  • Monthly Financial Statements* (please check monthly board meeting materials)
  • Contracts for Construction Projects
  • Bids for Equipment of Services
  • Cash Receipts
  • Canceled Checks, Bank Statements, Deposit Slips
  • Paid Bills and Invoices* (please check monthly board meeting materials)
  • General Ledger and Journals* (please check monthly board meeting materials)


  • Personnel Policies Manual
  • List of Employees
  • Salaries and Hourly Rates
  • Job Descriptions
  • Time Sheets
  • Insurance
  • Insurance Policies
  • Accident Reports
  • Insurance Waivers

Recreation Programs

  • Program Brochures*

Parks and Facilities

  • Application for use of Park District Facilities
  • Park Maps

*These documents are available on the UPD website.