Buy tickets now for the May 24 Lake House Candlelight Serenade

Buy tickets now for the Friday, May 24, Lake House Candlelight Serenade.

Come to Crystal Lake Park from 8:30 - 10 p.m. Rent a four-person paddle boat for $25 for a half hour ride around the lake. Or come and enjoy the evening on the Lake House patio for $10.

The entire time, visitors will get to enjoy a live jazz ensemble. This evening is in partnership with 40 North, City of Urbana Arts and Culture Program, CU Symphony and CU Jazz Festival.

Call Janet at (217) 367-1544 for more information or to buy tickets. People can also buy tickets online at

The rain date is Saturday, May 25.

Everyone over age 21 is invited to the Lake House Candlelight Serenade!
