Participate in the Great Backyard Bird Count February 14 - 17

Be a citizen scientist and help the Anita Purves Nature Center keep track of bird species in Champaign County by participating in The Great Back Yard Bird County, February 14 - 17.

Every day you can look out of your house and note the number and species of birds you see. By counting birds you see from your windows or in your yard, you will help scientists collect important real-time information. Anyone can participate—count for as little or as long as you wish! Submit your observations online to anytime from February 14-17. 

Call the nature center at (217) 384-4062 for more information, or click the link above for more information. Be sure to share your photos of birds you see to the Anita Purves Nature Center Facebook page, with the hashtag, #UrbanaParks, #GBBC, #BirdCount.

Everyone is welcome to participate in the Great Back Yard Bird Count!