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People 50 and better can learn technology basics for free

June 25, 2021 12:14 PM

People age 50 and better can learn electronic device basics for free from Urbana Park District.

Jacob Johnston, Community Program and Engagement Coordinator, says he and tech-savvy volunteers are ready to help people learn about technology devices.

“I’ll help people learn and/or set up a new smart phone, manage passwords, and how to take, store, and share photos, and more,” Johnston said.

This is a free service, but people need to call Johnston at (217) 367-1544 to set up an appointment. They can also email Johnston at, to set up an appointment.

“Once booked, be sure to bring your cell phone, laptop, tablet and plenty of questions,” Johnson added.

He concluded, “I enjoy helping people age 50 and better to learn new technology and I look forward to helping the community.”


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