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Register preschool kids for an up-close look at nature


Kids have the chance to learn about nature at a young age, as Urbana Park District holds Forest Preschool, every Monday and Wednesday, from March 23 – April 29, at Anita Purves Nature Center.

Forest Preschool is from 8 a.m. – Noon for children ages 3-5. The children must be toilet trained.

“Kids at Forest Preschool will go on long, playful explorations of the woods, learning about nature as well as developing social, physical, and cognitive skills,” said Olivia Webb, Environmental Public Program Assistant.

Webb explained, “Kids’ interest helps direct what is done each day: we may search for bugs under logs, track a deer, watch birds, or follow a treasure map. However, every day involves morning discussion, playing in the woods, a read-aloud story, and a snack around the campfire.”

The goal is for the kids to spend as much time outside as possible each day. “Kids should be dressed in layers, including gloves and sturdy shoes, with waterproof layers if necessary. Expect all outer layers to get dirty and muddy every day,” Webb added.

Parents or guardians can register their kids online or they can call (217) 367-1544.

The deadline to register is March 16.

But, if people register on or before March 9, they get an early-bird discount of $240 dollars for residents and $360 for non-residents.

“This is a budding program. As we test out ideas and fine-tune our practices, we hope to consider longer and more permanent Forest Preschool classes in the future,” Webb concluded.


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