School's Out and Camps

General Camp Information

  • All campers must be toilet trained unless limited by a disability.
  • Lunches will not be refrigerated, and microwaves are not available.
  • Camps may be canceled at any time if weather conditions become severe or threaten the safety of the campers and staff. No refunds are issued when camps are canceled due to weather.

Counselor-in-training 2025 Application - deadline March 31, 2025

Check out the 2024 Summer Camp Handbook (English version) for lots more information and details about specific camps. Updated handbook coming soon!

Note: Urbana Park District summer camps are license-exempt, meaning that these facilities and programs are not licensed or regulated by DCFS.

If you have any registration questions, call the Phillips Recreation Center at 217-367-1544.
Full payment is preferred at registration. An extended payment option is available for anyone who registers in person. To register by phone or online, payment in full by credit card is needed.

Your child can be enrolled in a camp when the following conditions are met:

  • Space remains in the camp session(s) requested. As camps fill, waiting lists are created on a first come, first serve basis. Please ask a staff member for details.
  • Registration and full payment is made by cash, check or credit card, or extended payment form is turned in to the Phillips Recreation Center.
  • If needed, an Inclusion Aide from Champaign-Urbana Special Recreation has been secured.

Camp Forms

The Urbana Park District uses a secure, paperless system called ePACT to organize and secure your camper’s information. This web-based program stores data such as the campers medical conditions, dietary restrictions, in case of emergency contacts, and is used to perform daily tasks such as camper check-in and check-out.

  • After registering your camper, you will receive an email invitation to set up or update an ePACT account through their website or free mobile app. The email address on file in the UPD’s ACTIVENet registration system must match the username you create in ePACT. If you need to update your email address on file please call 217-367-1544.
  • Once you receive the email invitation, please click on the orange “Complete Request” button and, if you haven’t setup an ePACT account in the past, click on the blue “Create Account” button. Your ePACT account is different from your ACTIVENet account, so your login credentials for ACTIVENet will not work as your ePACT login credentials.
    • Assistance navigating the system is available once registered. If you do not have access online, we also have devices available to get your account set up. Please call 217-384-4062.
  • Once your account is created, you can designate who is allowed to pick-up your camper from camp and upload photos of those individuals. Parents and guardians as well as people designated as emergency contacts are automatically included in the camper’s pick-up/drop-off list. Creating an account in ePACT and designating at least one additional adult as an emergency contact is a requirement.
  • It is required that each camper has all of their information completed in ePACT before the first day of camp. You will not be permitted to drop off your camper at camp until this step is complete and you see the “successfully submitted” screen. If you need technical assistance or would like to use an internet-connected device in order to set up your camper’s ePACT account, please contact Nicole Hilberg at 217-384-4062 (ext. 355).


If your child must take medication during the camp day, please complete the Medication Administration Packet and email it or return it in person at the Phillips Recreation Center. We strongly discourage administering medication at camp unless medically necessary. If possible, ask your physician to write the prescription so that the medication can be given outside of camp hours.

Children With Special Needs

If your child has a special need or disability, you may request an Inclusion Aide from Champaign-Urbana Special Recreation (CUSR). Email, or let registration staff know when you sign up, and a camp coordinator will contact CUSR on your behalf. The CUSR Inclusion Coordinator will then contact you to discuss your child's specific needs. Inclusion requests must be submitted at the time of registration.

Multi-Child Discount

Families with more than one child attending any Urbana Park District camp during the same session receive a discount of $14 per session for each additional child. Multi-child discounts are only available over the phone or in person, not online.

Extended Payment Option

If you choose to pay in installments, a $25 per camper, per session, nonrefundable registration deposit is required for each camp session requested. This deposit will be applied to the full payment of the camp fee. The remainder of the fee must be paid by Pre-authorized credit card payment or Pre-authorized automated withdrawal from checking account.

You also will complete an extended payment form authorizing the Urbana Park District to make scheduled withdrawals from your checking account or credit card. Your credit card or checking account will be debited two weeks before the first day of the camp session. Families requesting special payment schedules should contact the Phillips Recreation Center Office Manager at 217-367-1544.

REC Camp & REC Extended Camp (formerly Sports Camp)

Alex Higgs, Athletics Coordinator
217-255-8601, ext. 305

Nature Camp & Nature Extended Camp; Wild Child Survival Camp; Spring Break Day Camp

David Subers, Environmental Public Program Coordinator
217-384-4062, ext. 361

Counselors-in-Training (CITs) & Junior Counselors (JCs)

Cathy Schneider, Environmental Education Coordinator
217-384-4062, ext. 360

Arts Camp & Arts Extended Camp; School's Out Days

Matt Lewis, Community Program Coordinator
217-367-1544, ext. 276

Scholarships, CCRS, & Payment Plans

Recreation Office Staff