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Take a free nature hike in person or virtually this fall!

September 20, 2021 02:10 AM

People have the chance to explore Urbana Park District natural areas this fall.

The park district is putting on hybrid virtual/in person nature hikes. These hikes are free for everyone.

"This is a chance for people to explore our natural areas that people may not be familiar with," said David Subers, Environmental Public Program Coordinator.

The hikes will be at Weaver Park, Busey Woods, Meadowbrook Park and the Perkins Road site. 

Call Subers at Anita Purves Nature Center at (217) 384-4062 for more information and to sign up to attend a nature hike.

Also follow Anita Purves Nature Center on Facebook to participate in the hikes.

Subers tells more in this video.


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