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Bird watch from a warm, dry place this Saturday


People with mobility issues can bird watch tomorrow, November 2, in the warm and dry Anita Purves Nature Center.

The Low-Mobility Bird Sit is free to all and runs from 9 – 10 a.m. The room is wheelchair accessible and can accommodate people of all ages and all abilities.

“We have a great habitat to watch birds at Anita Purves Nature Center,” said Judy Miller, Environmental Program Manager. “And we have a windowed Wildlife Observation Area in the nature center where birds come up to the feeders.”

A member of the Champaign County Audubon Society will be on hand to facilitate the hour.

“We have a parabolic microphone that picks up the outside sounds and broadcasts those sounds into the observation room,” Miller explained.

The Wildlife Observation Area is open when the Anita Purves Nature Center is open.

“The observation area is a peaceful, quiet place where people can come, enjoy watching wildlife and relax. We invite everyone to come out to the Low-Mobility Bird Sit on Saturday and we hope everyone comes to the nature center this fall to enjoy watching the wildlife,” Miller commented.


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