Urbana Park District Board of Commissioners

The Urbana Park District Board of Commissioners oversees the operation of the Urbana Park District. The five-member board is elected by voters who live within the Urbana Park District boundaries and each member serves a six-year term. The public is welcome to attend meetings of the Urbana Park District Board of Commissioners. UPD monthly board meetings are taped and broadcast on UPTV, channel 6. See the UPTV broadcast schedule.

When are Board Meetings?

Regular board meetings are the second Tuesday of each month at 7pm. The schedule may occasionally vary. See the complete board meeting schedule here.

Where are Board Meetings?

Planning and Operations Office
1011 E. Kerr Ave., Urbana
The office is east of the intersection of Cunningham Avenue and Kerr Street.

May I Participate in Board Meetings?

The board conducts regular business at each meeting. There is time for public comment at the beginning of the meeting. Members of the public are asked to submit a card with their name and address and indicate whether they wish to address the board. Comments are kept to two minutes. The board will not be able to respond to comments during the meeting but comments are entered into the minutes and the board may be able to address comments at a later time.

What Happens at Board Meetings?

Download the board meeting agenda here.


Board Members

MichaelWalkerMichael Walker / President
Commissioner since 1983
Next up for election 2025

A native of Urbana, Michael Walker is a graduate of Urbana High School and the University of Illinois. Before becoming a commissioner, he served on the district’s advisory committee, UPDAC. He is very proud of the park district’s combination of formal recreational programs, natural areas and informal recreation opportunities that serves the life-long needs of all of Urbana’s residents.

A computer software specialist, Michael retired from the University of Illinois in 1998 to begin his own consulting business. He is a frequent visitor to both Crystal Lake and Meadowbrook parks.
E-mail:  mwwalker@urbanaparks.org

Meredith Blumthal / Commissioner
Commissioner since 2010
Next up for election 2027Meredith_Blumthal_head_shot_(002)

Meredith Blumthal became a member of the Champaign-Urbana community as a University of Illinois student in 1997. In 2000, she moved to Urbana and has been a resident since.

Meredith’s professional background is in horticulture and agricultural economics and she is the Director of Education Abroad for the College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences (ACES) at the University of Illinois. Meredith recognizes the public good which parks serve and the benefits to all age groups and continues to enjoy serving the community in this capacity. She is also active in the C-U One-to-One Mentoring Program.
E-mail:  mrblumthal@urbanaparks.org


Roger Digges / Commissioner
Commissioner since 2018
Next up for election in 2025Digges

Roger Digges was appointed to the Board of Commissioners to fill out an unexpired term. Before being appointed, Digges served two years on the Urbana Park District Advisory Committee, the second as its chair. As an avid birder, Roger initially became interested in the district because of its work in developing and maintaining natural areas.

Roger is an ordained minister who retired in 2014 after 35 years of service. He enjoys his volunteer work as an East Central Illinois Master Naturalist serving the Urbana Park District and the Champaign County Forest Preserve District.
Email: rddigges@urbanaparks.org


Cedric Stratton / Vice President
Commissioner since 2021CedricStratton
Up next for election in 2027

Cedric Stratton is a lifelong Urbana resident, and his family has lived in the C-U area for generations.  Prior to his election as commissioner, he served on UPDAC for a year and a half, six months of which he served as UPDAC chair.  Cedric grew up attending Urbana Park District programs, and he has worked for UPD as a summer camp counselor and after-school programming leader.

Professionally, Cedric works for the Urbana School District as a Special Education Teacher's aid.  He has a strong belief in the Urbana community and has dedicated himself to public service to enrich the opportunities of community members. 
Email: castratton@urbanaparks.org

Laura Hastings / Commissioner

LauraHastingsCommissioner since 2023
Next up for election in 2029

Laura cannot think of a time when the Urbana Park District hasn’t been part of her life! As a child, she enjoyed many programs and parks, was a Crystal Lake Pool Lifeguard, Manager and Coordinator. After graduating with a degree in Recreation Administration she became a full-time staff member. She has served as a volunteer and UPDAC chair. To this day, people still call her, "Laura the Lifeguard."

Laura is an elementary special education teacher; she is passionate about equitable inclusion of all people. She believes that the Urbana Park District theme, “You belong here”, truly means everyone! She is excited to be able to serve Urbana and continue the strong commitment of the UPD to innovatively provide the most outstanding programs, facilities, parks and open spaces.
Email: lkhastings@urbanaparks.org

Other Public Meetings

The Urbana Park District Advisory Committee (UPDAC) is a group appointed by the Board of Commissioners and hold public meetings on the 4th Tuesday of each month (excluding July and December) at 7pm at the Planning and Operations Office, 1011 E. Kerr Street, Urbana

The public is also invited to occasional park and neighborhood planning meetings. These are announced in advance.