Green Initiatives

UPD CARES (Climate Action, Resilience, Education & Sustainability) Plan 2021-2026

The Urbana Park District is thrilled to present our community with the Urbana Park District CARES Plan—Climate Action, Resilience, Education and Sustainability. The Board of Commissioners, park district staff, stakeholders, and community members assisted the CARES Steering Committee in the plan’s creation. 

This five-year plan centers on breaking down information barriers and creating a healthier, safer and more resilient community for all the humans, plants, and animals that call Urbana home. The goals and objectives are organized in three planning pillars:

  1. Communicating Climate Action underscores the Urbana Park District’s commitment to serve as a community leader and role model for climate action—through internal practices, public outreach & programs, and collaborative partnerships.
  2. Protecting & Strengthening Our Natural Environment reinforces the Urbana Park District’s responsibility to care for the health of humans, plants, animals, ecosystems & the climate—by reducing our carbon footprint, stewarding biodiversity & natural areas, and improving air & water quality.
  3. Conserving Resources highlights the Urbana Park District’s dedication to the sustainability of natural resources—through conserving energy & water, using clean energy, reducing waste, and increasing recycling & reuse.




UPD Green Team

The Urbana Park District is leading the community in environmental stewardship!

Environmental issues are important to the Urbana Park District. That's why the District was awarded the Illinois Association of Park Districts "Best Green Practices Award".

UPD is a leader in implementing programs and practices that demonstrate the value and of responsible environmental practices. The "Green Team" committee implements and oversees environmental initiatives district-wide.

The Urbana Park District follows these environmentally responsible practices:

  1. Provide environmental education and interpretation opportunities for the public.
  2. Promote preservation, restoration management and stewardship of open spaces, nature preserves, waters, greenways and trails.
  3. Conserve and protect water and soil, enhance air quality, limit the production and release of damaging pollutants, and protect plants and wildlife.
  4. Conserve energy resources and utilize alternative energy technologies when possible.
  5. Re-use or recycle natural materials and manufactured products whenever possible; cooperate with local government and community groups to support recycling efforts.
  6. Purchase and use environmentally safe and sensitive products whenever possible.


Park district staff are working to reduce our environmental impact.Green_Team_logo
  • Reducing "phantom energy" waste by unplugging electronics when they are not in use is a simple way that staff conserve electricity. Read about five simple steps we all can take here.
  • We are working to do our part to make green driving decisions. Some good habits we are adopting (and you could adopt, too) can be found here.
  • Learn about guidelines that staff follow to help make green purchasing decisions here.
  • Find out where to recycle common household items here.


Check out these videos on the UPD YouTube channel to learn more about:



The Climate Fresk Workshop: A Scientific, Collaborative and Creative Workshop to Learn about the Climate in a Fun Way!

Request a Fresk: Contact Savannah Donovan at or 217-384-4062
Climate Fresk makes it possible in a short time to understand the functioning of the climate system as well as the causes and consequences of its disruption. Participating in this workshop raises awareness on the complexity of climate change, gives an overview of this vast problem, and provides keys to understanding in order to act effectively. To find out more about the workshop and the association, go to

Fee: FREE for a limited time! ClimateFresk_Logo_Baseline

Duration: 3 hours

Location: In person or via Zoom

Who can play?

  • For 1-2 small groups at a time; 4-6 players per group (total 4-12 players per game)
  • Youth version for ages 8-14
  • Adult version for ages 15 and up