Sunday, September 24, 2023
05:30 PM - 07:00 PM
Meadowbrook Park
2808 S. Race Street
Urbana, IL 61801
Meet at the Meadowbrook Park Garden Pavilion.
Art, wellness, and nature combine to enhance your yoga experience with views of the Wandell Sculpture Garden at sunset in Meadowbrook Park.
Check-in (age 15 ) for this program will take place at the Garden Pavilion at the Race Street entrance. Participants will enjoy a short, guided walk along the paved path within the park to the ‘Timpone Ornamental Tree Grove’ where the yoga practice will take place. Yoga mats are available to borrow while supplies last.
Urbana Park District staff will guide participants back to the Garden Pavilion at the end of the yoga practice.
Call Ashley at (217) 367-1544 with any questions.