The Urbana Park District is looking for people age 15 and older to become a certified life guard.
“Since we run Urbana Indoor Aquatic Center, we need life guards all year. It is not a seasonal job,” said Jennifer Nierenhausen, Aquatics Specialist.
What makes a good life guard? “We need someone comfortable around water, someone who is responsible and someone who enjoys being around people,” Nierenhausen explained.
Before climbing into the life guard chair, candidates need to get certified. “We come alongside a person to help them pass their test,” Nierenhausen said.
“People in school or working another job can sign up for life guard hours as their schedule permits,” she added.
Urbana Park District welcomes everyone who is interested in being a life guard. “It is good pay and life guards can take pride in learning life-saving skills and serving the community,” Nierenhausen concluded.