Urbana Park District, in partnership with Urbana Free Library, are proud to offer More Than a Book Club, beginning February 22. It costs nothing to join this book club.
Elsie Hedgspeth, Outreach and Wellness Manager at the park district explained, “For this program, registered participants will receive a copy of the book, The School of Essential Ingredients, by Erica Bauermeister. The book club will be holding three separate meetings throughout February and March which will include guided discussions on the book as well as making recipes featured within the book.”
While free, people need to sign up so the park district and the library know how many books and supplies to get.
Sign up at urbanaparks.org/register, or call the park district at (217) 367-1544. Pick up books at the library starting February 1. The first book club meeting is February 22, at Phillips Recreation Center.
More Than a Book Club aims to increase people’s social and intellectual wellness. Hedgspeth said, “I would love for participants to experience intellectual and social growth as a result of the book club. Ideally, I hope that they enjoy engaging in dialogue over the book, learn new recipes, and meet new people.”