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Little ones can experience nature for free on Fridays in January and February


Urbana Park District invites kids age 6 and under (and the adults accompanying them!) to experience nature up-close on Fridays from 9 a.m. – Noon beginning January 17, at Anita Purves Nature Center.

Nature Center Pre-K Fridays are each Friday from January 17 to February 28.

“Kids and their families can stop by the nature center to discover self-guided activities just for little naturalists,” said Savannah Donovan, Environmental Public Program Coordinator. “The adventures may be outside if the weather cooperates, so come prepared.”

The events are free. The nature center requests a $2 free-will donation.

“We will have a theme for each Friday,” Donovan said. She added, “Be sure to follow Anita Purves Nature Center on Facebook to find out the theme.”

Anita Purves Nature Center is for naturalists of all ages. “Nature Center Pre-K Fridays are great for young children and their families to be introduced to nature and the environment. We look forward to welcoming everyone to the nature center.”


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