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New survey asks community to help design next Meadowbrook Park playground

December 3, 2021 10:27 AM

Urbana Park District continues to ask the public for their opinions on the Meadowbrook Park playground for the next generation.

“This is our second survey,” explained Kara Dudek, Park Planner. “This second survey will build upon Survey 1 and ask people more detailed questions to help narrow in on a design.” Just over 225 people participated in the first survey.

Survey 2 shows a variety of inspiration images from balance and climbing to swinging and sliding, different playground structures and aesthetics, as well as site amenities like shade and benches. Survey takers will be asked to rank and rate various images to better gauge what the community is looking for.

People can take the 10-15 minute survey online.

We are also going to host a virtual meeting December 7, and everyone is encouraged to share thoughts via live polling,” Dudek added.

Park district staff will also be visiting after school programs in Urbana schools within the next few weeks to talk directly with kids.

Meadowbrook Park is a beloved community resource, and the Urbana Park District knows how important public input is to make this project a success. People can also email Dudek to be added to a notification list for future playground input opportunities.

“We thank everyone for their input so far, and we look forward to continuing to work with the community on creating a welcoming, adventurous and unique playground for the next generation of kids,” Dudek said.



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