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Park District invites people with MS to get moving

If you or a loved one has multiple sclerosis (MS), Urbana Park District is partnering with University of Illinois experts to put on a new exercise program, called "Move MS." You can find out more about the program at a special open house at the Urbana Park District Phillips Recreation Center on December 6, from 6:30 – 7:30 p.m.

"'Move MS' is a peer-developed, peer-instructed exercise program designed for people with MS to move, and have fun doing it," said Brynn Adamson, instructor.

"The group exercise classes provide MS-specific exercise instruction and exposure to different types of exercises," she added.

Some exercises covered include:

  • Balance/stretching
  • Aerobics
  • Resistance training
  • Pilates
  • Yoga
  • Zumba

"We want people to know that we meet them at their level of ability," Adamson explained. She concluded, "People with MS belong at Urbana Park District and we want them to know there are exercise programs for them that they can enjoy and help them cope with their MS."

People can email Adamson at

People can also find out more in this video.


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