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State grant will help Urbana Park District build the new playground at Meadowbrook Park

March 2, 2023 04:18 PM

Governor Pritzker announced $60 million in Open Land Acquisition and Development (OSLAD) grants. Urbana Park District is one of the 118 park districts to receive a grant.

The park district will receive a $550,000 OSLAD grant to help build a new Meadowbrook Park Playground.

“This $550,000 grant is tremendously impactful for Urbana. The playground has always been an important play destination, and the next Meadowbrook Playground has been designed by the community for the community,” said Kara Dudek-Mizel, Park Planner.

She added, “In 2021-2022, the planning process included over 2,560 engagements via surveys, virtual meetings, open-houses, special events, special recreation engagement, and working with kids in Urbana. With the award of the OSLAD grant, we are excited to begin final design engineering, bidding and construction.  I am most excited for the increased physical, mental, social, emotional, and sensory play opportunity, as well as the accessibility and inclusion this project will bring for children and caregivers. ”

The park district anticipates the playground will be removed in the winter of 2023-2024 with new construction beginning in 2024.  The park district will help those wishing to reclaim the "Helping Hands" concrete pavers around the perimeter of the playground. Anyone wishing to do so should call 217-344-9583 or email

Corky Emberson, Superintendent of Recreation, said, “Meadowbrook Park is one of our most popular parks not only for Urbana, but for the surrounding communites. We look forward to building a new playground for new generations to play on. We are grateful that the state’s OSLAD grant will help us fulfill this project.”


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