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State grant will revitalize Blair Park for all ages


Governor Pritzker has released Open Space Land Acquisition and Development (OSLAD) grant funds to park agencies across Illinois.

And, Urbana Park District received a $400,000 development grant for the Blair Park Revitalization Project.

"The park district has exciting plans for Blair Park that we think the public will enjoy, emphasizing activities for teens who often outgrow standard park amenities," said Andy Rousseau, Project Manager. "Upland Design, Park Planning and Landscape Architecture Firm, helped us gather public input and create a park masterplan in the summer of 2019, before applying for the grant.”

Some highlights of the Blair Park plan include:

  • 8’ wide multi-use path on north and west sides to create perimeter loop trail—the highest need based on the community’s input
  • New playground with separate 2-5 and 5-12 age appropriate equipment
  • Half-court basketball
  • Electronic Sutu wall can be used by all ages and athletic abilities, as well as by a single person or larger group to play interactive games with soccer, tennis, and volleyballs—even snowballs allow you to interact with the impact-sensitive panels!
  • Challenge course for teens and adults to exercise and engage in friendly competition
  • Accessibility upgrades to horseshoes and t-ball
  • 6’ wide connector paths between park amenities

"We are thrilled to receive the OSLAD grant," said Timothy Bartlett, Executive Director of Urbana Park District. "This is a very competitive process, and our park planners put together an outstanding grant proposal."

Bartlett concluded, "Blair Park will be revitalized in the next 2-3 years and I'm just as excited as everyone else to see the finished product."


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